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$24,900 ex works
Factory standard boat includes Trailer, Mainsail and the following equipment:
- Aluminum trailer with winch
- Galvanized rims and tongue assembly
- Lights
- Nose wheel jack
- Centering rails
- Forward mounted boarding ladder
Deck Hardware and Features:
- Steering wheel and pedestal
- Anchor roller at bow
- Hinged steering seat for transom access
- Foredeck hatch
- Anchor locker
- Colour coded lines
- 4:1 vang
- Outboard well for 5 to 60 hp outboard motors
- Cockpit storage lockers for 2 fuel tanks
- Mooring cleats
- 2 Anodized aluminum jib winches, 1 handle
- Anodized mast and boom
- Deck tracks for the jib and genoa sails
- All required standing and running rigging
- Halyards led aft to hoist sails from the cockpit
- Hinged mast step and rotating mast
- Messenger line to mast head
- Water ballast system for increased stability
- Positive solid foam flotation
- Self-bailing cockpit
- Non-skid deck surfaces
- Forward and rear safety rails (with bow and stern pulpit) and lifelines
- Kick-up twin rudders and dagger-board
- Mainsail reefing system
Cabin and Accommodations:
- Cabin headroom – 6’0″
- Upholstered hull sides
- Galley, with sink, pressurized water system, convenient storage lockers and space for a built-in marine stove
- Dinette table
- Enclosed head compartment
- Berths – 2 double, 2 single
- Double forward V-berth
- Double rear berth
- Sofa Seat and Berth, 6′ long, starboard side
- Sofa Seat and Berth, 10′ long, port side
- Cushions for berths and inside seating
- Seat back cushions
- Cabin lock
- Hull and deck liners
- Large side and forward windows
- Running lights and mast light
- Four LED interior lights
- Electrical panel
- 12-volt battery
- White hull and deck
- Navy Blue accent stripes, hull and deck
- Cream interior liners
- LOA – 25′ 10″
- LWL – 23′ 2″
- Beam – 7′ 9″
- Draft, board up – 12″
- Draft, board down – 5′ 9″
- Full standing headroom
- Engine capacity – 5 to 60 hp
- Speed with a 60 hp outboard – up to 20 mph
- Fuel capacity – 24 gallons
- Water capacity – 9 gallons
- Water ballast – 1,172 lbs.
- Permanent ballast – 300 lbs.
- Total ballast – 1, 472 lbs.
- Boat weight, less ballast – 2,500 lbs.
- Trailer weight (standard trailer) – 710 lbs.
Click on each picture below to view a larger image...

On the trailer, you can visit great places that water bound
boats will never see, and you can avoid the expense of in-the-water
storage. Quick, stable and responsive, the Tattoo 26 is one of the
fastest and best handling of the trailerable cruising sailboats. It is
easy to trailer to your favorite sailing waters. It can be stored on its
trailer, launched at any ramp, and rigged in just minutes.

The Tattoo 26 offers high speed powering without compromising
sailing performance. You can have the peace and quiet of sailing or the
fun of powering around at up to 20 mph. Unlike most other boats, it
opens up a world of endless variety -- sailing, swimming, fishing,
diving, water skiing or just having fun on the water.

With sleeping room for 6, galley area and a fully-enclosed
head, the Tattoo 26 offers a range of amenities and level of comfort
unequaled in any other sailing boat of its size. The weather-tight cabin
has full standing headroom and comfortable accommodations for family
cruising. There is a full double berth at the forward end of the cabin,
and a fully-enclosed head compartment on the right. The large galley
slides fore and aft and locks in several positions. It has a molded-in
sink and an attractive counter, with space for a stove.

This view shows the Tattoo 26 cabin looking aft. The dinette
area has a large solid table that can be lowered to form a single berth
with an optional cushion. The back of the rear dinette seat is removable
to allow easy access to the rear berth. The rear berth is about the
size of a queen sized bed and has full sitting headroom over a large
area. Large windows make the cabin light and airy, and the foredeck
hatch provides lots of ventilation.

The Tattoo 26 has a pedestal mounted steering wheel. The wheel steering is standard and takes up less room
than a tiller. It is more natural to steer with a wheel than with a tiller and a lot more comfortable. It makes
the boat a lot easier to sail. The seats have high backs to make sure they are
comfortable. The optional vinyl cockpit seat cushions add a lot to the comfort for lounging.

The Tattoo 26 is easily launched and recovered with the aluminum and galvanized steel trailer
supplied with every boat. The trailer is low enough to allow the boat to float off easily,
and the guide rails make it a breeze to load the boat back onto the trailer.
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